Broken social scene skyline lyrics
Broken social scene skyline lyrics

The vocals at times can get annoying (but that's my taste of course. (10/10) Stay Happy: A slow and almost quiet one-minute build-up gives way to a song about maintaining a bad relationship. Also, THOSE DRUMS! (10/10) Skyline: The prettiest song so far, it's a song about managing to meet expectations (I think) that initially is an attack against someone else (you), before it ultimately turns back to the singer when he proclaims, "I shouldn't have come at all." Although the lyrics never change, the arrangement changes up just enough for it to never get repetitive, yet another perfect song. Although words are said over and over again, it always sounds different each time somehow. (9/10) Protest Song: Although the title indicates that this would be a political song, it appears to be referring to something much more personal (but I'm too clueless to figure it out.) The vocals are beautiful and are a nice contrast to the somewhat overproduced vocals from the second song. It may require less sensitive ears though. It never stays in the same pattern, but it never becomes hard to follow along with. (7/10) Halfway Home: The very first second of the song will be a surprise for everyone, with that being said, the actual song itself is very smooth yet rocky at the same time, with vocals that are produced with purpose, bridges that bring poignancy to the lyrics, and a guitar break that gives the listener a chance to breathe.

broken social scene skyline lyrics

Still, good instrumentation for a song that was too short. Considering what the next track was, I'm surprised this was how the album started. Which wasn't necessarily a bad thing in this case, however the purpose of this song is unrealized for it fizzles out too quickly. Reminded me of Treefingers yet much more chaotic and disorganized. *expand to see the whole thing* Sol Luna: A short instrumental track. with that being said, he's a track-by-track review of this album, let it be known that during this point of writing, I was optimistic. with that being said, he's a track-by-track review of this album, let it be Be reminded, my opinion is only worth what you think it's worth.

broken social scene skyline lyrics

Be reminded, my opinion is only worth what you think it's worth.

Broken social scene skyline lyrics